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Learning to pay attention
Excerpt from Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott This is an excerpt from the book Bird by Bird by Anne Lamot…
Embrace possibility
This is a quote from the book How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu. Have you read this bo…
Five Christmas classics to enjoy the holidays
It’s the end of the year! Can you believe it? December in my mind means holidays and thinking about …
And who wouldn’t want to help?
Excerpt from How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu This is an excerpt from the book How Hi…
I mean joy
This is a quote from the book The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin. Have you read this boo…
Five books that take place in a winter wonderland
It’s the end of the year! Can you believe it? December in my mind means holidays and thinking about …