The great annual test
Excerpt from Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice This is an excerpt from the book Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice. He located some clothing on the floor and pulled on a pair of track pants and a T-shirt. He squinted as he stepped out of the hallway into the kitchen.…
He wanted her to be a leader
This is a quote from the book Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice. Have you read this book? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below! If you’re interested, you can read an excerpt from the book here. Moon of the Crusted Snow – Summary A daring post-apocalyptic thriller from a…
This Dialogue Fire
Excerpt from Truth Telling by Michelle Good This is an excerpt from the book Truth Telling: Seven Conversations about Indigenous Life in Canada by Michelle Good. Sit with Me, by This Dialogue Fire AT THE WATERSHED MOMENT IN CANADIAN history when the Truth and Reconciliation report was issued, the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair positioned truth…
Keep the flame alive
This is a quote from the book Truth Telling: Seven Conversations about Indigenous Life in Canada by Michelle Good. Have you read this book? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below! If you’re interested, you can read an excerpt from the book here. Truth Telling: Seven Conversations about Indigenous Life in CanadaSummary…
Why didn’t we kill you off
Excerpt from The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King This is an excerpt from the book The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King. If North America doesn’t like Live Indians and it doesn’t like Legal Indians, why doesn’t the military-political-corporate complex just kill us off? I know this question sounds melodramatic and absurd, but I’ve been to…
Gateway drug
This is a quote from the book The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King. Have you read this book? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below! If you’re interested, you can read an excerpt from the book here. The Inconvenient Indian – Summary The Inconvenient Indian is at once a “history” and the…
Principles of redemption
Excerpt from Peace and Good Order by Harold R. Johnson This is an excerpt from the book Peace and Good Order by Harold R. Johnson. The fundamental difference between how First Nations would maintain peace and good order and how Canada has administered it is that First Nations would apply principles of redemption, whereas Canada…
All it can do…
This is a quote from the book Peace and Good Order by Harold R. Johnson. Have you read this book? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below! If you’re interested, you can read an excerpt from the book here and here. Peace and Good Order – Summary An urgent, informed, intimate condemnation…
The word is like
This is a quote from the book Bunny by Mona Awad. Have you read this book? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below! If you’re interested, you can read an excerpt from the book here. Bunny – Summary We were just these innocent girls in the night trying to make something beautiful.…
The Cave
Excerpt from Bunny by Mona Awad This is an excerpt from the book Bunny by Mona Awad. Workshop is held in what is called the Cave, but is really just a black-box theater in the basement of the Narrative Arts Center. No visible doors, no windows, and of course, no clocks. Only dark, damp walls…