
  • Slowly becoming as stupid

    This is a quote from the book Confessions by Kanae Minato, translated from the Japanese by Stephen Snyder. Have you read this book? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below! If you’re interested, you can read an excerpt from the book here. Confessions – Summary Her pupils killed her daughter. Now, she…

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  • I was alive. Or was I?

    Excerpt from Confessions by Kanae Minato This is an excerpt from the book Confessions by Kanae Minato, translated from the Japanese by Stephen Snyder. But I was awake, and I was in my room, even if it had been trashed somehow, and I was still breathing. I could still move my arms and legs. I…

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  • Five books that may make you question reality

    We are not entering spooky season, as we get close to Halloween and immerse ourselves in the fall spirit. In honour of spooky season, I’ll be sharing a variety of books that could be considered “spooky” either by having supernatural elements or having thriller/horror elements. Enjoy! For this week, I wanted to share some fiction…

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